If you ask a teen which school year they found hardest, most would say 'year 7'. I used to get so many calls from parents in the October half term asking for help for their child, then again around the beginning of January because children didn't want to go back to school after Christmas and again at the end of the Easter holidays.
It's a difficult school year for so many reasons that we are all so familiar with and schools go to a lot of effort to try to ensure the children all settle in but nevertheless there are still those who feel very insignificant, feel they can't cope and aren't willing to ask for help. Many don't want to cause a fuss, worry their parents or be singled out by the teacher. They basically just want to melt into the background and hope no-one notices that they are only just managing to get through each day.
It's not like this for all the children who do this course. Many are just glad to gain some extra skills to help them navigate the new secondary school and feel more able to cope with whatever comes their way.

Here's what I cover and all the details you may need. Even if your child doesn't need it, maybe you know someone whose child would benefit from some extra help.
This is a leJd programme, it is not therapy. Your child or young person will be taught many NLP and EFT techniques in an engaging and interactive way with exercises and questions, where they can use examples from their own life. They will learn:
Session 1
How do you think and process your world
Metaprogrammes - choices/process, towards/away from, global/specific, match/mismatch etc
How will knowing how you process, learn and communicate make life easier at home, school and in your sport
Session 2
How would you like your world to be different
Applying SMART goal thinking
What skills do you have to achieve this
Overcoming limiting beliefs
How to be confident
Session 3
How to get rid of the bad feelings
EFT Tapping
Thought Records
Session 4
How to step away from the 'I can't
The Drama Triangle
How to be a problem solver
How will they integrate the new knowledge
​What will they do differently
The cost is £250 for the four one hour sessions.
​Content is designed for school years 5- 8 (children 10 - 14yrs) for preparation to join Secondary School

If you have a child that needs more specific help and a more open frame then please complete a booking form for a free 30 minute session so I can either reassure you regarding the ability of this course to help your child or discuss having some therapy sessions.