Welcome to the
Your mind and body are connected. How you think affects how you feel and this affects how you move your body.
No matter which sport or activity you want to work on, the principles are the same
I am an NLP Sports Practitioner and I've helped golfers, gymnasts, rowers, runners, tennis players, footballers and rugby players. Let me help you.

NLP for Sport
Engaging NLP for Sport will be out at the end of the summer so get in touch for your free review copy of the pdf if you're a subscriber.
PE Teachers and Coaches
Learn NLP for Sport
Learn how to give effective feedback
Learn how to manage anger and anxiety
How can you get the best performance
Learn how to reframe failure as feedback
Visualise success
All of my books are available on the Shop page and at the following links:
You can buy a signed copy from me using the enquiry form, just tell me which ones and where you live and I’ll send you a paypal invoice to cover postage as well.
Got a question? Ask me here
Telephone: +44 (0) 1628 660618
Mobile: +44 (0) 7917 451245